Eat Good, Feel Good…

Curtis Polito
Oct 28, 2020

“You are what you eat!”

Finding your balanced eating habits for low craving levels, proper nutritional intake, and to enjoy the creavitity of cooking. Here’s a better method to tackling the art of cooking to see what lies in it for you.

  • Start with the sauce…

Think about what your craving; sweet, spicy, salty, heavy, light. Then decide the protein, carb, fruits and veggies. Your creativity levels will prove the old saying, “You are what you eat.” If you pre-make or pre-determine healthy meals with little creativity more then likely your craving levels will rise, and the eating process becomes a chore. Spending a few moments to think about how you can make the dish more enjoyable and healthier will result with lower cravings, getting the proper nutritional intake and exploring your creativity within cooking.

  • See the finished dish before preparing it…

Thinking about the preparation involved to create the meal can limit your creativity. Focus on the end result and easy ways to improve. When we run, small goals, easy movements and trying new techniques helps us stay on the trail, this goes for eating as well. Start with easy recipes, note what is working and not working. Set small goals to make the meal healthier and more enjoyable to you. And finally, try to make your dish look good.

Next time your thinking about cooking, try this process. Think about the sauce first. Next, see the dish before making it and take time to explore areas of improvement. Most importantly, make the meal look good on the plate. Eat good, feel good.

