Back to the Basics

Curtis Polito
Oct 23, 2020

When I’m feeling tired, I like to refer to my basics to get the wheels turning. Engaging in easy, enjoyable exercises will open your mind, body and soul to feel a sense of happiness in the moment.

  • Light weight, easy, slow movements.

Focusing on your form, rythym, control, and timing to gain an idea for where you are starting and most importantly, where you would like to go. Jogging slowing, lifting weights slowly, stretching slowly, whatever it is, slowing down the movements to gain mental focus will put you in the moment and only you choose where to go next. For these few moments, these are the basics.

  • Full body exercises.

Stretching, lifting, bending, pulling, pushing, etc, all with a focus to work each and every muscle. Focusing on working all my muscles in 1 or 2 exercises puts me in the moment. When these movements are slow and easy, it becomes easier to increase or decrease the level of work, depending what your mind is telling you.

Next time your feeling tired, refer to your basics.

